In the meantime I am sharing one of my favorite poems about Summer.
It was written by Tom Ryan, Thank you!
Summer by Tom Ryan
It can happen in any season
But the heart has a better chance
Of opening to life
in the summer.
When the clothes come off
And we’re down to hairy legs
and halter tops.
That expansive
throw-back-your head- and-laugh
Response to life
in the face of all that still sits
In the sink
or on the desk
Is more effectively coaxed
from the heart
In the season of boat rides and backyard barbeques.
The deep-belly conviction
that the world will be kind to us
floats up more easily
In the longer warmer light of summer,
In the street musician’s free concert by the curb
And in the exploding fireworks against a starry sky.
The discovery of the leisurely, relaxed step
And the comfort of friendly words with neighbors
Comes with turning over garden dirt,
Watering the flowers and tomatoes,
Sharing tomatoes, sharing apples, cucumbers and corn on the cob.
It could happen in November or December,
But the opening of the heart to life
Is give broader berth amidst rocky road and sticky skin
With the music floating out the window
And the children catching fireflies in the yard.