Managing the Aging Process

“Step one in caring for your body, whether you are sick, injured or healthy is to practice being in it.”Jon Kabat-Zinn “Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured. Even when pain has to be endured, yoga teaches us how to use the...
Yoga and Relationships

Yoga and Relationships

We cannot overestimate the importance of accepting ourselves exactly as we are right now, not as we wish we were or think we ought to be.  Kindness, Friendliness and compassion for ourselves as we are, is the first step in practicing yoga mindfully. One of the...
How Does Yoga Improve Sleep?

How Does Yoga Improve Sleep?

There are many reasons why people may not be getting a good night sleep. Insomnia or sleep deprivation may be the result of; life’s daily demands, shift work, parenting young children,health problems, anxiety and the list can go on. In 2012 the National Health...

Yoga as Therapy?

BKS Iyengar writes, “In the first instance, yoga is not a therapeutic science at all. Yoga is a science for liberating the soul by bringing the consciousness, the mind and the body to a stage of integration.” Though this was its original aim, yoga has many other...

Is there a Yoga Sequence to Boost our Immunity?

Yes there are many sequences available online. Many of those are for experienced students and include a headstand. I offer a sequence here for beginner or level one students, you may still need to adjust the postures, use more props, more or less than the time...