by Marilyn | Oct 1, 2020 | Benefits of Yoga
One way to explain this, is that we have created during our life, patterns of responses. When we get squeezed what comes out is what’s inside. To change these patterns requires awareness and paying attention does take some effort. We need to create space or a...
by Marilyn | Sep 10, 2020 | Life Practices
This summer on my son’s recommendation I settled into reading the famous Tolstoy novel, “War and Peace.” What does this have to do with yoga? Well, yoga is all about life and Tolstoy knew and brilliantly illustrated the sometimes wild swings of life in this epic...
by Marilyn | Jul 30, 2020 | Life Practices
Yoga classes had been on hold from Mid March until Mid June this year. Some students have returned this summer to classes but many have not yet been able to join us. Based on the current reality of social distancing there is no way to accommodate everyone in the space...
by Marilyn | Mar 25, 2020 | Life Practices
AS you may have noticed from the calendar I have suspended classes until further notice. The Covid-19 has an impact on our communities in ways that many of us were not expecting. I keep in the forefront of my mind that our challenges in life also present us with new...
by Marilyn | Dec 13, 2019 | Life Practices
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali offer us signposts to guide our way. The sutra below has been one of my favourites for many years and I refer to it often. I offer it here, simply translated with no commentary. I leave it to you, to sit with, reflect on it, how it may...