The Five Perfections

Last year I had the Five Perfections pinned to the wall temporarily as   food for thought. They received quite a few comments from students. So, now in the yoga studio those five perfections have found their home in a banner, welcoming everyone back after the summer...

A Smile … A Step towards Peace

If we are paying attention to what is happening in the world, we may feel that we are between a rock and hard place, and escape may be on our mind. But there is no escape.  As Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space comments, “this...

Unlearning to Learn

This week I participated in an online Neuroscience summit. It is so exciting to see from another perspective how the body and mind tie together. In exploring this line of thought, I pulled out the book by Norman Doidge, MD “The Brain that Changes Itself”. ...